An astrologer who
works on the lal kitab uses the guidelines provided in the book to
help the peopel and mitigate their sufferings and help them to
tackle the inauspicious time . The book was writen in medieval times
and it contains remedies in simple languages . Some messages are
philosophical languages, which makes them quite difficult to
After making the birth
chart from the informations provided by the person , the astrologer
then consultants the book to offer some relevant remedies to the
concerned person. The remedies range from offering solution in
alcohol addiction to dealing with unfavorable times .
Some remedies of the
book may seem unusual to the common man but they are full of wisdom
and helps a person to be a better person . For example , it is
mentioned in the lal kitab that a person should respect old person ,
mother , father , saints and ladies . The person should also feed
poor , beggars . And a person should never beat a dog with stick or
throw stones at the animal. Feeding money brings financial success
and feeding a cow improve relations with wife . Feeding a dog helps
to counter the ill effects of ketu , which then brings luxuries .

An experienced
astrologer will never give advice without consulting lal kitab , his
own experience and Lal
Kitab Astrologer in Delhi remedies from the book ,
help a person to fully covered himself with protection during
inauspicious phase of life .
How vastu helps us -
the basic principles
of vastu mentions that each direction is devoted to a particular diet
or lord and only those things must be performed in that direction ,
which are prescribed in that direction according to the vastu . This
adherence to the principles helps to attract the natural positive
energy and vibrations . By alinging the homes or building in the
direction of that postive vibrations , a person can attract peace of
mind , prosperity, and happiness in home .
Some common tips or vastu remedies are -
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All the heat
generating appliance should be in the south east direction of the
room . The toilets , bathroom and prayer should never be next to each
other . The other Best
vastu shastra consultants in Delhi remedies are full
of common sense , such as that the broken watches, or gadgets , which
are not used must not be kept in the house . The front door of the
house must not have garbage dump , street light pool, or big stone at
the front .